永續環境 Sustainable Environment
Environmental Accounting 環境會計
本公司所屬台塑企業,為國內第一家將直接環境效益資訊納入環境會計制度的企業。經統計,2023 年本公司在環境成本支出之總金額為3,700 百萬元,其中用於綠色採購、對製造或銷售產品之回收及再製費用、推行環境保護而提供產品服務所衍生之費用等項計1,453 百萬元,占整體環境成本支出總金額39.3%,顯見本公司對於環境保護及降低對環境直(間)接影響的高度重視。
Sustainable Environment
Environmental Accounting
FPG is the first enterprise in Taiwan to directly include environmental benefits into the environmental accounting system. FPC’s environmental costs in 2023 totaled NT$3,700 million, where the costs of green procurement, recycling and re-manufacturing of products produced or sold, and products and services derived from environmental protection initiatives amounted to NT$1,453 million, accounting for 39.3%. This indicates that FPC has attached great importance to environmental protection and strive to reduce indirect environmental impact and effects.