永續環境 Sustainable Environment
為減少廢棄物掩埋量,本公司已設定2025 年掩埋量應較2020年(基準年)減少10%,2030 年較基準年減少20% 為目標。
為確保各廠有害物質(含環境部列管化學物質及危害性化學物質)作業場所安全,除要求負責人員取得技術證照、廠內設置偵測及警報系統外,相關產品均依法進行危害評估,對於未使用之環境部列管化學物質,依法辦理聲明廢棄後,歸入有害事業廢棄物管理,並妥善處理。 針對環境部列管之毒性及關注化學物質,各廠區均設置專業技術管理人員及專業應變人員(應取得法定證照),且人數皆高於法規要求,並於2023年10月已完成所有人員的在職訓練與登錄。 此外,依「新化學物質及既有化學物質資料登錄辦法」規定,要求針對106種化學物質之製造或輸入情形、危害分類及標示、化學物質毒理與生態毒理等多項資訊,登錄於環境部化學物質登錄平台。本公司於2022~2023年度已陸續完成丙烯酸及硫酸標準登錄,其他物質持續辦理中,預計於2024年年底前全數完成。
Sustainable Environment
Waste Management
Waste Disposal and Management Information
Through operations such as source classification and waste reduction during production processes and recycling, FPC has managed to reduce the amount of incinerated and buried waste. The ultimate goal is to achieve zero waste and zero burying. Regarding outsourced waste treatment, priority is given to recycling before incineration and landfill treatment.
Hazardous Waste Disposal Methods and Management Measures
To manage and control the hazardous substances in each complex (including the EPA's controlled chemical substances and hazardous chemical substances), FPC strictly requires all management personnel to obtain professional and technical licenses and the complexes to be equipped with the capability of hazard prevention and resilience, and has detection and alarm systems and emergency response devices in place.
The detection and alarm systems can detect the concentration less than 10 times or above the allowable exposure standard at workplaces. In case of leaks, warning lights are turned on, and the control room also receives an immediate alert message to immediately respond to and handle minor leaks that may occur. In addition, the alarms at Mailiao Complex also connect to the monitoring center to respond immediately in case of an abnormality situation.
In addition to strict management in accordance with laws, FPC evaluates the suppliers of chemical substances to ensure the normal operation and delivery of chemical substances and to reduce hazards.
Emergency response drill