健康職場 Healthy Workplace
本公司為利用AI輔助強化工安管理,以電子組自行開發之智慧眼鏡系統作為主軸,結合二道門禁人臉辨識與人員定位卡,管制承攬商入廠後應於指定場 所作業,如有越區行為能即時產生警報提醒,另加入智慧監工所控管之項目(如人員防護器具穿戴、作業是否符合SOP等)之影像辨識功能,納入智慧眼鏡 後台影像處理,達到即時提醒效果。
電子組自行開發 「工地安全帽偵測系統」測試畫面
「工地安全帽偵測系統」 偵測到未配戴安全帽可即時反應異常
Healthy Workplace
Occupational Health and Safety
FPC has set up a dedicated organization tasked with different responsibilities for occupational health and safety management, including setting up safety, health, and environment targets and rules, process safety management, and care for employee health. Moreover, an occupational health and safety management system is also in place in accordance with the law to implement occupational health and safety management using a risk based approach under the PDCA model. In addition, FPC integrates AI into occupational health and safety management and keeps track of its performance based on the safety and health performance indicators in hopes of shaping a safety culture, thereby building the safest work environment in order to achieve the goal of "Zero public injury, Zero disaster".
AI Applications to Industrial Safety Management
To strengthen industrial safety management through AI, FPC adopts the smart glass system developed by the Electronics Unit, where two access control methods (face recognition and personnel positioning card) are combined to control contractors' operations at the designated sites. Any breaches of access control will be reported immediately; in addition, image recognition for items under smart supervision (such as personal protective equipment and compliance with SOP) is included in the smart glass system for back-end processing to give immediate indication.
The Helmet Detecting System Developed by the Electronics Unit
Real-time Indication of Workers Not Wearing a Helmet by the Helmet Detecting System