永續環境 Sustainable Environment
Safety, Health & Environment Organization 安衛環組織架構與管理
本公司安全衛生處綜理全公司安全、衛生、環保及消防相關政策之整合制定,以及執行對外有關業務,並受總管理處安衛環中心督導及考核,同時在各廠區設有安全衛生室,負責廠區內安全、衛生、環保及消防管理等事務推動。 另本公司每年定期召開「安全衛生環境管理審查會」、「安環績效檢討會」及「職業安全衛生委員會」、「安全衛生協議組織」等會議,由公司高階經營主管、廠區經營主管、各廠廠長、安衛環人員、員工及承攬商等進行溝通檢討,期許在安衛環管理上,達到安全與衛生健康零災害,環境保護零污染之目標。
為提供所有在廠區工作者一個健康及安全的環境,本公司建置職業安全衛生管理系統,所有廠區2021年均通過「ISO 45001」及「CNS 45001」職業安全衛生管理系統驗證。職業安全衛生管理系統所定義的工作者,涵蓋本公司員工及承攬商,管理範圍包含員工所有勞動場所及上下班必經途中;承攬商則於工作場所進行管制,亦即接受雇主(或代理雇主)指示處理有關勞工事務之人所能支配、管理之區域。 此外,各單位每年訂定職業安全衛生管理年度計畫,藉由文書程序化與PDCA系統化,落實安全衛生管理。
Sustainable Environment
SHE Structure and Management
The Safety and Health Department is placed under the direct management of the President's Office, is responsible for issuing guidelines on overall safety, health and environment policies for FPC and implementing external operations. The Safety and Health Department is supervised, assisted and assessed by the SHE (Safety, Health and Environment) Center. Furthermore, health and safety departments have been established in each industrial complex to promote safe, healthy and environmentally friendly operations.
In addition, FPC holds SHE meetings every month, safety and environment performance review meetings and the Occupational Health and Safety Committee meetings every quarter on a regular basis. Top management, plant management, plant supervisors, SHE personnel, and other employees all participate in and conduct reviews, in hopes of achieving zero hazard and zero pollution in the field of health and safety management and environmental protection.