永續環境 Sustainable Environment
本公司為善盡企業責任及因應未來溫室氣體減量之要求,根據 ISO 14064-1: 2006,自2006年起針對溫室氣體排放進行系統性盤查,並委由英國標準協會(BSI)及台灣檢驗科技公司(SGS)查證溫室氣體範疇一及範疇二排放量,以確保盤查之正確性,並作為日後實施減量改善方案之參考。
為因應氣候變遷所帶來的風險與機會,本公司每年定期召開氣候變遷風險及機會會議,鑑別對本公司衝擊較大之風險類型,進一步擬訂對策。此外,自2020 年已先參考金融穩定委員會(Financial Stability Board,簡稱FSB)之氣候相關財務揭露建議書(Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures,簡稱TCFD)架構,提早進行因應及防範,進而降低氣候變遷對本公司之衝擊。
Sustainable Environment
Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Emission Intensity
FPC promotes greenhouse gas (GHG) emission inventory and investigations in accordance with ISO 14064-1 standards. FPC has also commissioned the British Standards Institution (BSI) and SGS Taiwan to conduct Scope 1 and Scope 2 inventory investigations from 2006 to 2017 to ensure that the GHG emissions comply with the relevant regulations.
Our Milestones
Since 2018, FPC conducted the Scope 3 emission inventory, including products and services purchased, upstream transportation and distribution, operating waste generated, travel, employee commuting, and downstream transportation and distribution.
GHG Emissions at FPC
Unit: tons CO2-e
In the 2023 Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), a total of 13,000 companies participated, and they disclosed their actions to address climate change or water security through questionnaires. The company was awarded an "A" leadership rating for its climate change project in 2023. For more information, please visit CDP's official website.
In response to the possible risks and impact of climate change, FPC regularly convenes meetings to review risks and opportunities arising from climate change each year to identify the types of risks with a greater impact on FPC and draw up subsequent countermeasures. Since 2020, FPC drew up and implemented response and prevention measures in advance by referencing the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) issued by the Financial Stability Board with a view to reducing the impact of climate change on FPC.