最新消息 Latest news in FPC
by FPC In 重大議題 Posted Aug , 2019 協助培育台灣人工智慧(AI)人才
為提高台灣未來國際競爭力,本公司與南亞、台化及台塑石化公司於2018年2月共同捐贈3仟萬元,由中央研究院成立「台灣人工智慧學校」,負責培育台灣人工智慧(AI)人才。 技術領袖培訓班,2018 年已開辦三期訓練課程,本公司陸續指派超過31人參訓,結訓後將擔任公司內種子領袖,期許使人工智慧技術能逐步深入應用於各管理機能,以協助解決本公司在邁向智慧化的過程中所面臨的難題。 另外,為鼓勵同仁多多發揮創意,特於仁武行政大樓五樓設立AI工作室,提供同仁一個獨立的空間激發靈感。
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Latest news in FPC
by FPC In More Topics Posted August , 2019 Assist in Nurturing Artificial Intelligence (AI) Talents in Taiwan
To enhance Taiwan's international competitiveness in the future, FPC, along with NPC, FCFC and FPCC, jointly donated NT$30 million in February 2018 to the Taiwan AI Academy established by Academia Sinica. This academy will be responsible for nurturing artificial intelligence (AI) talents in Taiwan. Three training courses for technical leaders were organized in 2018. FPC assigned more than 31 employees to attend training, who will then serve as the seed leaders in FPC, in the hope of gradually applying AI to each management function to help FPC overcome difficulties in transforming into a smart enterprise. In addition, FPC set up an AI Studio on the fifth floor of the Renwu Administration Building to encourage employees to think more creatively and get inspired.
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