最新消息 Latest news in FPC
by FPC In 重大議題 Posted June , 2019 環境友善產品
本公司針對生產部門及下游客戶推動使用環保塑膠棧板及模壓棧板,取代傳統木棧板,並以高強度SAP生產超薄型環保紙尿褲,取代傳統紙漿,避免森林被過度砍伐。另農業用SAP保水劑則促進土壤之含水率,提升植物生長與土壤保水性能,適用於邊坡植栽、海濱防風定砂、乾燥區農業作物栽培及造林綠化。 以農業用SAP,台麗保TAIRYSORB-AG301為例,其吸水及保水性極強,吸水性能超過本身重量的500倍,在乾燥的環境下能形成阻力膜,阻止水份外溢和蒸發,提升植物生長與土壤保水性能,在樹苗移植及土壤結構穩定上亦有良好效果。 當與土壤均勻混合後,可促進土壤涵養水份與養份,並使肥料持續於土壤緩慢釋放,且遇水膨脹與失水皺縮的特性還可增加土壤孔隙度,防止土壤團粒化,有利於植物根系呼吸生長。
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Latest news in FPC
by FPC In More Topics Posted June , 2019 Eco-friendly Products
FPC promotes the use of eco-friendly plastic pallets and molded pallets at the Production Department and to the downstream customers in order to replace traditional wooden pallets, and produce ultra-thin eco-friendly diapers with high-strength SAP to replace the consumption of traditional paper pulp, with a view to prevent excessive logging. Meanwhile, SAP water-retaining agent for agricultural use promotes the water retention rate of soil, thereby improving plant growth and the water retention performance of soil. It is suitable for use in slope planting, prevention of coastal soil erosion, crop cultivation in dry areas, and afforestation efforts. Taking SAP for agricultural use, TAIRYSORB-AG301, for example, this product has outstanding water absorption and retention feature; it can absorb 500 times its weight, and form a resistant film to prevent moisture spillover and evaporation in a dry environment, thereby improving conditions for plant growth and the water retention performance of soil. It also has good effects on transplanting seedlings and stabilizing soil structure. When mixed with soil, it can promote water and nutrient retention in soil and allow the fertilizer to slowly release from the soil. With the feature of water swelling and shrinking without water, this product can also increase soil porosity and prevent soil agglomeration, thereby facilitating root respiration and growth.
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