Proposal raised by the Economic Committee, Legislative Yuan on October 5th, 2017: In view of the fact that the Sixth Naphtha Cracking Plant in Mailiao is already in operation for 20 years, the equipment is entering the aging period and starting to show signs of problems. To promote residents' health, occupational safety and industrial efficiency, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, along with the Ministry of Labor and EPA, will establish a baseline for three major areas, energy efficiency, environmental pollution and occupational safety, at each industrial complex in FPG's Mailiao Industrial Park. Data collection and analysis plans will also be drawn up to formulate improvement plans for each industrial complex, so as to reduce energy consumption, pollution emissions and industrial safety risks, which can effectively upgrade the industrial park. From 2018 onward, the 3-year total inspection plan for the Mailiao Industrial Park will be launched and carried out.
This total inspection plan covers three major indicators, environmental protection, energy and occupation safety. The competent authorities, such as the Occupational safety and Health Administration, the EPA and the Bureau of Energy, as well as technical experts, jointly set the indicator items, which include a total of 37 items, such as electricity consumption, steam consumption, energy consumption per unit of product, discharge pipeline load, PM2.5, greenhouse gas emission, water consumption, waste, chemical substances under the EPA control, sustainable development goals, environmental protection incidents, 14 PSM key items and major anomaly cases.
Total inspection will be implemented through the following methods: (1) examination of factories by experts at the initial stage: information related to the three major baseline indicators in total inspection will first be examined by technical experts from the three major areas according to their expertise before the baseline indicators are jointly determined along with manufacturers; (2) the high-level promotion forum: a forum will be convened every six months, where both the top management and the total inspection team will jointly discuss the reasonableness of the key performance indicators (KPI) for the baseline indicators and propose plans to improve them year by year; and (3) rolling review and tracking: A tracking meeting will be held every year, where both the management representatives and the total inspection team will jointly review the implementation of KPI for the baseline indicators, so as to achieve the goal of continuous improvement and pursing excellence.
In addition to the total inspection plan implemented by the competent authorities, FPC also independently develops medium- and long-term industrial safety inspection plans and the equipment maintenance and improvement project, in order to make improvements in five aspects, pipelines, static equipment, rotating equipment, instruments and electrical equipment, with the total improvement costs estimated to be approximately NT$3.6 billion. FPC is moving towards transcending the legal basis, enhancing international competitiveness and aligning with international trends. The process safety, environmental protection and energy issues will be inspected comprehensively to implement the spirit of sustainable development.